Sunday, June 7, 2009

Tiffany's Guatemala experiences.

June 6th 2009. We all had to wake up really early in the morning [early as in we didn't even get to eat breakfast, we had to stop at a gas station to get breakfast] We road in our crazy driven vas up a mountain to Amor Del Nino. Amor del nino is an orphanage with about fourty-five children. Every kid had a story and they were all sad. It was difficult to try and understand how any mother could leave any of those adorable children just anywhere. One of the babies there was very lucky to be alive. Her mother had her in a bathtub and left her there. After we left Amor Del Nino [which took a while because the van was having difficulty getting up the mountain] we went back to the hotel for a short time and then left walking many blocks to go see a church and some ruins. The ruins were absolutely beautiful everyone spent some time alone just reflecting and thinking and praying and such. We left there and walked around a couple of blocks [in the very hot hot heat] to Hermano Padro [i think i spelled that right...not the greatest speller in english which makes spelling in spanish ALOT more difficult lol] anyways Hermano Padro. It is a special needs hospital where most there have Cerebral Polocy [or however you spell that as well lol] It was pretty much indescribable. Those there were wow....its something i dont think i can describe. There was one man there who was twenty something and he was curled up in a crib. It was very sad. We are going back today. Some of the CP people that were in there wheelchairs or walking around were amazing. they were so full of joy, despite the fact that they were different, and crpippled. When we visited the women we found they loved jewelry. When we were at the ruins alot of us bought necklaces from an old lady and we left Hermano Pedro without them because the women just loved them. Alex also got a girlfriend there. He sat next to a woman and she was lovin on him ;) [watch out Staci!]. Yesterday was pretty much amazing and i am so glad i was able to go here to Guatemala.We have only been here for a couple of days and its already the best. I think all of us are gonna be different people after all ten days of this trip. I love it here in Guatemala it is amazingly beautiful and everyone should go there and love on the children and people here.



Tina said...

I am so proud of you and so glad you are getting to experience truly being the hands and feet for God. Your life will never be the same again. Praying for you and everyone else! I love you baby girl!

Mama Stamp said...

Tiffany - Thanks for sharing your reflections on your journey up that mountain. I love that your wonderful sense of humor shows through even in a blog. And what a vivid picture you've given us of some of the people you met.

Christie said...

Wow...I just cried as I went through the pictures from your visit to the special needs hospital today. Your reflections on this special day made me feel like I was there experiencing all of God's goodness. We are praying for you all and look forward to hearing from each of you how God used you on this trip. Love and hugs to all of you!