Thursday, June 25, 2009

10 Commandments of Purity

Here are ten great things for dads and moms to help keep their marriage pure and on the right track.

The 10 Commandments of Purity

1. I shall have no other human relationship before Michelle, including our children.
2. I shall remember our date night and keep it holy.
3. I shall honor Michelle on anniversaries and special days so that I may live long in the land the Lord has given me.
4. I shall not take the covenant of marriage in vain.
5. I shall not ride in a car or eat in a restaurant alone with a member of the opposite sex.
6. I shall not travel alone.
7. I shall not counsel a woman with the doors closed.
8. I shall not share the details of our marriage with others.
9. I shall not watch, read or expose myself to sexually explicit shows, books, websites, etc.
10. I shall remember the implications of committing adultery.

excerpt from Ed Young Jr. Blog

Are there any commands you would add to this list?

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