Friday, September 26, 2008

What P.A.T.H. are You Creating for Your Kids

What paths are your children taking?

Are we as parents helping our children to set the right course for their lives. What path do you want your kids to take? What we say, do, and don't do speak volumes to our children. Recently Tommy Hilliker wrote a great article about helping your children find the right path. He hits the first two points in his article called God’s P.A.T.H. for parenting. I will post on part two when it is released later this week.

His path includes four key directions:
Provide a spiritual foundation for your family.
Accept your children unconditionally.
Train them intentionally.
Help them develop healthy godly habits.

A Couple of Questions:
How often do you read scripture with your children a week?
Do you have a time set aside for you and your children to grow spiritually?
Do you ever find it hard to accept your kids no matter what?

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